I know I bury my fear very deeply but I should also be very happy that I can now traverse the La Jolla coast line with ease. The animals would occasionally be calling out for my name. I am with Thầỵ now as I am learning that there is no death. My energy is being transmitted to him just as he has always wanted. I have travelled far just like him to find what is really really important. There is no time nor distances but only this very moment of how my brush touches the page releasing the necessary colors thru my in-out breath to create the push-pull space. No thought nor self just to feel and be. The cadence of my swim strokes breaking thru the agitated ocean water to carry my mass forward just as I mediate the air and sun all around me to cut through the flat white surface to create magic.
Deer Park 10/26/2024
Updated: Dec 1, 2024